5 Important Holiday Safe Driving Tips For Truck Drivers - Advanced-Trucking
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5 Important Holiday Safe Driving Tips For Truck Drivers

As the holidays get near, it’s usual for most people to start organizing events and activities. For others, though, those arrangements can be contingent upon a family member’s driving schedule employed by the transportation sector. 

Luckily, many trucking companies try their best to send drivers home for the holidays and other occasions. However, there may be additional considerations needed before that happens.

We thought we’d share some quick advice for drivers who are trucking around the holidays since sometimes it takes a little additional work.

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The role truck drivers play in the country is crucial. To be honest, without the commitment and labor of truckers across America, the winter holiday seasons would not exist. There wouldn’t be any family meals, presents, or brand-new Christmas lights and decorations entering American homes if it weren’t for truck drivers. 

That said, truck driving during the holidays is a priceless gift, so it’s just fair to give truck drivers appreciation and gratitude whenever possible. Drivers frequently follow strict timetables for everything, including sleeping and completing deadlines, which brings us to our first piece of advice:

Holiday Safe Driving Tips For Truck Drivers

Be Flexible

The holiday is a busy time for both shippers and truck drivers. Since truckers need to transport goods as requested by shippers, it’s ideal to refrain from overscheduling holiday celebrations and activities.

Although everyone desires to spend as much time as possible with friends and family during this time, trucking during the holidays sometimes makes that impossible. Because of this, a driver’s vacation time is even more precious, thus it’s better to avoid scheduling conflicts! Telling someone you’re too busy is easier than postponing a get-together by an hour!

Celebrate Outside The Usual Holiday Days

Try to arrange activities with family members on days other than Christmas if you know you’ll be as busy as Santa Claus this year. Scheduling conflicts indeed make this challenging, but celebrating on a day other than the typical holiday can make the occasion even more memorable. By doing this, it will be far more apparent that you are enjoying quality time with your loved ones rather than merely following the rules!

Keep In Touch

Can’t spend quality time with your family and friends? Then that’s what technology is for. While you’re transporting those expensive phones to malls across the country, use yours to stay in touch with the people who matter to you.

Spreading joy can be achieved through FaceTiming with loved ones, sending holiday photos, and watching nostalgic films! The key is thinking outside the box, even if it means all you are at the dinner table is a glowing screen!

truck driver wearing santa claus costume

Spread The Holiday Joy

Like you, there will be other truck drivers in similar situations. Remember that everyone would choose to spend time with loved ones or at least have a holiday break. Therefore, during this season, it can be quite beneficial to check in with other drivers, employees, and laborers at rest stops, no matter where you are. It doesn’t take much to brighten the chilly days—you may sing a few Christmas carols or trade tales about your friends and family!

Keep The Holidays Alive

While considering safety tips for holiday driving, you may also add a few twists to your rig, such as Christmas lights, tinsel, etc. Playing Christmas songs on the radio is a good idea, too! Many people will see your truck during the holidays, and adding festiveness to your vehicle wherever you go can surely make someone’s day (or entire holiday more memorable).

Of course, don’t forget the most important person — you! You’ve worked hard all year, and it’s time that you treat yourself to a nice meal or even a small Christmas gift!

We hope this holiday tip for truck drivers helps! If you have questions or more tips on how to make this season merrier, feel free to share them in the comments!


Feel free to talk about your holiday driving stories, too!