Numerous research and analyses indicate that robots may eventually replace humans in our occupations. However, how far away are we from having our jobs automated out of existence?
The BBC’s artificial intelligence specialists polled 352 scientists—including some of the world’s foremost authorities on machine learning—about automation. In 120 years, there is a 50% probability that machines will be able to replace all human workers, according to a BBC analysis.
However, certain fields are more vulnerable than others – the trucking industry.
As early as 2027, automated technologies might replace truck drivers. Within the next ten years, experts predict that artificial intelligence will be able to drive vehicles.
According to Nicholas Wyman, CEO of the Institute for Workplace Skills and Development and author of Job U: How to Find Wealth and Success by Developing the Skills Companies Actually Need, “All jobs are being impacted by technological change – some more than others. Driverless trucks are now used extensively in the mining industry and it’s certain this technology will impact other parts of transport and distribution.”
According to estimates from the American Trucking Association, there are over 3.5 million professional truck drivers in the US, and over 8.7 million people are employed in the business overall. Over the next ten years, self-driving trucks may replace 1.7 million truck drivers in the United States, according to the Los Angeles Times.
Millions of people work in non-driving capacities for the trucking business, and jobs related to trucks are the most frequent employment in 29 of the 50 states in the United States.

Considering that truck driving automation is becoming more and more common, the idea isn’t all that crazy. Consider Otto, a self-driving truck startup founded by former Google employees that Uber purchased in August of last year. With the help of the company’s technology, trucks may travel for extended periods without requiring a driver. October saw the successful test of the technology in Colorado when a self-driving truck brought 50,000 Budweiser cans.
Driver weariness is a contributing factor in one out of every seven fatal truck accidents; if autonomous trucks are developed, they could provide more efficiency and safer roadways. There’s good news for anyone who works in the transportation sector right now. How big of a threat self-driving trucks pose to drivers depends on the extent of automation: if drivers are still required to be in trucks, then jobs are secure, MIT Technology Review says.
According to Wyman, truck drivers must be willing to adjust to how their industry is evolving. “They need to embrace change – it’s happening so hoping it will go away is not an option,” Wyman stated. “Truck drivers should look for opportunities to refresh and reboot their current skill sets.”
Do you think robots can replace humans in terms of transporting goods? More importantly, do you prefer automated technologies over truck drivers?
Feel free to share your thoughts in the comments!